by Bodyweight

Bodyweight - 4, 8 or 12 week program
For training and permanent weight loss. Sign up today!
Do you want to reduce your weight, at the same time get stronger and live healthier? I recommend you our program with bodyweight training and intermittent fasting 16-8 (8 hours eating window) in combination, we create a permanent weight loss. Kickstarta Online is a 12-week program with a complete diet program with all recipes for all meals. In combination with the diet, you train with the effective bodyweight bands at home or in the gym.
You get three different monthly programs in app format for iPhone and Android, as well as formats you can print. In addition, you get an increasing program in Power Walking for three months. Every week you also get "Challenge of the Week". After the 12-week program, you will receive 3 communications a week (diet, exercise and motivation) for another 3 months, so in total the program lasts 6 months.
I have been a part of the creation of the program and work very close with the company Bodyweight that own Kickstart and can proudly say it is one of the best programs on the market. Roddy Benjaminsson.
Content of the program Kickstart Online:
4-8-12-week Bodyweight training program, 3 different programs
4-8-12-week diet program with recipes for all meals
4-8-12 week program for intermitted fasting 16-8
4-8-12 week program for Power Walking
4-8-12 weeks with one "Challenge" per week
6-month newsletter for training
6-month newsletter for diet and fasting
6-month newsletter for motivation
Free training and diet app for iPhone & Android
+300 exercises for gym, suspension, mini band and bodyweight
+300 recipes for hight protein, low carbs, vegetarian and more
+10 different program for glutes, running, challenges and more
Results update every week in the member portal
Bodyweight's free support is via e-mail 24 hour response
Member portal for you as a participant in Kickstart Online
Facebook group Kickstart Online for those who run the program
Facebook group Kickstart Connect for those who have joined the program
Discounts on all Bodyweight products in the shop (30%).
We already have several thousand who have gone through Kickstarta's program with extremely good results. We dare say that our program is one of the most effective on the market for permanent weight loss. Read more about the method at

€179 for 12 weeks + for ever membership
(€6,90 per week) Also life time membership in the app.
R0ddy "HERO" Benjaminson
Roddy Benjaminson has over 35 years of experience in training, won titles and competed at elite level in Boxing, Athleticfitness, Bodybuilding, Powerlifting, Strongman and Showlifting. He is also known for his participation in the TV program Gladiators in the role of the gladiator Hero. He has also appeared in the TV programs A Night at the Castle and All Celebrity-Sweden Bake, and appeared in the film Lilla Jonssonligan.
Over the years, he has coached hundreds of people, always with good results because he learned early on to adapt exercise and diet to life, not life after exercise and diet. For Roddy it is important that everyone he help succeeds in achieving their goals, feels good, has energy and a functioning everyday life in the meantime.
It is just as important that the results are lasting, Roddy does not work with any "quick fixes" but he want to create a result and give the client a knowledge that accompanies and that the client can benefit from throughout life. This is something he take very seriously and work towards. His goal will always to be the last coach you ever need to hire!
- I help you build muscle and eat, not starve yourself in to shape!
Roddy has simple ideas about training and food. Do you want to grow up? Lift heavy weights. The body adapts to most conditions. If you want to become strong, it is important to give the body a weight to lift that it can barely handle. When it then manages the weight, it has adapted and then you give it a new challenge in the form of an even heavier weight. The body's way of adapting to the increased load is to develop larger and stronger muscles. THE END! When it comes to the food, YOU NEED TO EAT! Yes simple as that. He don’t believes in the ideas to starve to a decent shape, No way, the answer is to eat to shape!
So how does Roddy manage to train year in and year out, without any longer training break than a few days a year? He says: For me, training is simply a necessary good. When I exercise and eat well, I also feel good
Let Hero take your home training to a gladiator level.